The Booty Report

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Ye scallywag serial killer from the Great White North be in the infirmary after a brawl in the brig! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis said that Robert Pickton, a scurvy dog of a serial killer from the land of Canada, be in dire straits after a scuffle in the brig. Mayhaps the ghosts of his victims be seekin' revenge! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been reported that the notorious Canadian scoundrel, Robert Pickton, known for his dastardly deeds on his pig farm, has been dealt a blow of misfortune while behind bars. A bilge rat of 51 years saw fit to give Pickton a taste of his own medicine, sending him to Davy Jones' locker in a hospital with life-threatening injuries.Ye see, Pickton was convicted of six counts of murder back in 2007, after bein' accused of sendin' 26 poor souls to a watery grave. His farm in Port Coquitlam was a grim sight indeed, with the remains of 33 women found there. The scallywag even boasted of sendin' a total of 49 women to Davy Jones!The authorities began searchin' his farm over two decades ago, eventually leadin' to his conviction. Yet it seems justice has caught up with him in prison, where he was set upon by a fellow inmate in Quebec. The poor bloke now finds himself in a perilous state, with his injuries bein' deemed life-threatening.Let this be a lesson to all ye scoundrels out there, for even the most fearsome pirates can meet their match in the end. May Pickton's victims rest in peace, and may his own fate serve as a warnin' to those who dare to tread the same dark path.

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