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Arrr, France be givin' those scallywags from Syria a taste o' their own medicine for their misdeeds against a family.


Arrr mateys, in a grand Paris court, they be tryin' to figure out if them Syrian scoundrels be the ones who sent a poor lad and his old man to Davy Jones' locker! The scallywags best be watchin' their backs, for justice be nigh!

In the dead of night, Syrian soldiers came for Patrick, a young psychology student, and his father Mazen, leaving the Dabbagh family in despair. Recently, the French court has begun a trial to determine if Syrian intelligence officials were responsible for their disappearance and deaths, shedding light on the brutal tactics used by Bashar Assad's government during the 14-year civil war. The accused officials, including Ali Mamlouk and Jamil Hassan, face charges of crimes against humanity for their alleged role in the torture and killing of the father and son.The trial, held in absentia, marks a significant moment in the fight against impunity, as the accused won't likely be extradited to France. The case began in 2015 when Obeida Dabbagh, Mazen's brother, testified about the soldiers taking Patrick and Mazen away during the violent crackdown on anti-government protests. The trial is expected to expose the horrific torture practices used by the Syrian regime, with survivors' testimonies revealing unimaginable suffering.Aside from this trial, French magistrates are also investigating President Assad and other high-ranking officials for their alleged involvement in chemical weapons attacks. The international community is taking a stand against the atrocities committed in Syria, with other countries like Switzerland, Sweden, and Germany also holding individuals accountable for war crimes.

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