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Arrr! Thailand be reclaimin' their loot from them landlubbers at the Metropolitan Museum in New York! Aye, treasure returned!


Arr mateys, them scallywags at the Met Museum be givin' back them pilfered statues to Thailand! Aye, 'twas a British scurvy dog who tried to sneak 'em away, but justice prevails in the end. The treasures be safely back in their rightful home!

In a jolly good ceremony at Thailand's National Museum, two ancient statues were welcomed back with open arms, mateys! These treasures, the "Standing Shiva" and the "Kneeling Female," were snatched away by a sneaky British collector and ended up in the clutches of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Arrr, these artifacts be around 1,000 years old!Many museums in the U.S. and Europe are facing the music and giving back looted treasures from lands afar, plundered during the times of colonialism. The scallywag Douglas Latchford, may he rest in peace, was accused of running an art smuggling ring and his loot be finding its way back home!The Metropolitan Museum's curator was all praises for the returned masterpieces, saying they rightfully belong to Thailand. Aye, the museum even swore an oath with Thailand to work together on sharing art and knowledge. It be a step in the right direction, mateys, to treasure and protect the world's cultural heritage!So, let's raise a toast to the return of these national treasures to Thailand and celebrate the shared commitment to preserve and honor the art of the world, arrr!

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