The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Biden be forgivin' more loot fer them landlubber student loans! Shiver me timbers and raise the Jolly Roger!


Arrr mateys! The decree be for 160,000 federal loan borrowers, and tis a jolly sum of $167 billion in debt bein' wiped clean by the administration. Aye, 'tis a fine plunderin' indeed for those lucky scallywags!

Arrr mateys! Listen up! The government be announcin' that they be forgivin' the debts of 160,000 federal loan borrowers! That be a grand total of $167 billion in debt wiped clean by the administration! Aye, tis a hefty sum indeed!
Imagine the joy on the faces of them borrowers when they hear the news! No more worryin' about them debts weighin' them down like a ship anchor! They be free to sail the seas of life without that burden!
Arrr, I can almost hear the celebrations happenin' in the streets! The sound of grog bein' poured and jolly laughter fillin' the air! 'Tis a day to remember, me hearties!
So let us raise a toast to them borrowers and to the generous souls in the administration who made this happen! May they continue to show such kindness and goodwill to those in need. Fair winds and smooth sailin' to all!

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