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Arrr, if only three scurvy dogs could stop bickerin', the GOP could rule the seas fer centuries!


Arr mateys, the GOP be not just the ship of Donald Trump. Former MD Gov. Larry Hogan and former SC Gov. Nikki Haley be representin' other parts of the big tent. Let's hope they can all set aside their differences and sail together without makin' the plank walk. Arrr!

Arr matey! After the 2020 election, the Republican party was at a crossroads. Should they stick with the likes of former President Donald Trump, or turn towards new leaders like Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin? But now, as another election approaches, they be askin' themselves, why not both? Larry Hogan, a two-term governor from Maryland, be makin' waves by standin' up to Trump and winnin' his primary.But Hogan's refusal to support Trump may be backfirin', as he only snagged 62% of the Republican votes in Maryland. The GOP needs unity to win over Democrats and Independents, who care more about real issues than personal beefs.Republicans have a chance to dominate the political landscape for years to come, with Trump rallyin' non-white voters, DeSantis and Youngkin appealin' to suburban women, and Hogan and Haley representin' the old guard. If they can come together under a big tent, victory be within reach.On the other side, Democrats be fallin' apart with infightin' and confusion. The American people be lookin' for real change and the Republicans have a chance to deliver it in 2024. It be time for the GOP to set sail on the same course and establish a stronghold for the future.

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