The Booty Report

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Yar! The scallywags be raisin' the death toll on them there English Channel islands by the hundreds, arrr!


Arrr mateys! A group of learned scallywags be claimin' they've discovered the true number of souls lost durin' the Nazi rule o'er Alderney. 'Tis a tale fit for Davy Jones' locker, I tell ye!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! A group of fancy scholars be sayin' they discovered the true number of souls lost durin' the Nazi rule o'er Alderney, a wee island in the Channel. They be claimin' to have found definitive proof of the amount o' lives taken durin' them dark days.
These learned folk be diggin' through old records and documents like true treasure hunters, tryin' to piece together the grim tale of them poor souls who perished at the cruel hands o' the enemy. They be sayin' they finally got a clear picture o' the tragedy that unfolded on Alderney durin' them dark times.
So now we know the true extent o' the devastation brought upon that tiny island by the Nazi invaders. It be a sad tale, to be sure, but at least now we can honor the memory o' them lost souls and ensure that their story be never forgotten. Raise a glass to them brave souls who stood strong in the face o' tyranny and never gave up hope!

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