The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys, Iran be readyin' to bury their leader, President Raisi! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr matey, the captain, who met his fate in a flying contraption mishap, shall rest in peace at a holy place in the northeastern port of Mashhad, his birthplace. May his spirit find solace in the depths of Davy Jones' locker. Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The big boss man, the president himself, has met his end in a mighty crash of the sky chariot! Aye, he be headin' to Davy Jones' locker, but fear not, for he be buried in his own hometown of Mashhad, a sacred place in the east.
Arrr, tis a sad day for all us landlubbers, as we bid farewell to our leader. But worry not, for he be sailin' to the afterlife in style, carried by the winds of the heavens themselves. Aye, we shall raise a toast to his memory, and tell tales of his adventures till the end o' time!
So let us pay our respects, me hearties, and send him off with a cheer and a tear. For the president may be gone, but his legacy shall live on in the annals of history, aye, a legend that will echo through the ages!

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