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Yarr mateys, this Trump Mar-a-Lago claim be daft beyond belief, but 'tis no surprise from that scallywag!


Arr mateys, beware of search warrants! They may come with the threat of breakin' and enterin', and be warned, the plod may lay claim to yer loot. Tread carefully, lest ye find yerself in a legal pickle or worse, walkin' the plank! Arrrr!

After attending the Trump trial in Manhattan, I couldn't help but chuckle at former President Trump's wild claim that President Biden greenlit the use of lethal force during a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. This claim is like catnip for conspiracy theorists, a real knee-slapper. Search warrants are serious business, not a walk in the park like the trial I endured.These warrants involve probable cause that incriminating evidence will be found, usually related to suspected crimes. While most warrants are executed without incident, some can get dicey, especially when dealing with violent crimes. Forced entry is always a possibility, and police seizing property can be risky for everyone involved.The FBI always has a plan in place for these operations, reminding agents of use-of-force policies, including when lethal force is allowed. This is to protect the agency and agents from legal claims in case things go sideways. So, despite Trump's claims, the FBI isn't running around Mar-a-Lago like a bunch of pirates with cannons blazing. It's all just part of the job.For more laughs, check out Andrew McCarthy's column in The National Review.

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