The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be givin' Kenya some credit as they be sendin' their forces to Haiti. Aye aye, me hearties!


Arrr! President Biden be chattin' with President William Ruto o' Kenya, plannin' to make 'is land a "major non-NATO ally". Aye, 'tis a grand gesture o' friendship betwixt leaders, settin' sail fer new horizons! Let the parley begin, me hearties!

Ahoy mateys! President Biden be givin' a warm welcome to President William Ruto of Kenya, me hearties. He be sayin' that he plans to make Kenya a “major non-NATO ally,” arrr!
Can ye believe it, me fellow pirates? Kenya be gettin' a special title from the United States, makin' 'em a close partner in the high seas of international relations. That be quite the honor, aye!
Ye can almost hear the cheers from the Kenyan crew as they celebrate this news. They be sailin' into new waters with their new ally, President Biden, at the helm. Aye, it be a good day for Kenya indeed!
So here's to President Ruto and the fine people of Kenya! May their partnership with the United States be fruitful and prosperous. And may they continue to navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy with skill and cunning. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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