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The vegan lass's gripe o'er hospital grub be cast out by Danish court like a scallywag walkin' the plank! Arrr!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The Danish court be sayin' that a hospital be not liable fer not givin' a patient her fancy vegan grub! Shiver me timbers! No vegan feasts to be had on that ship, mateys! Avast ye veggies, ye be walkin' the plank! Aye!

Arrr, ye scallywags! A Danish court be makin' a ruling against a patient who be claimin' her rights were violated when the hospital didn't give her enough grub for her vegan diet! The Vegetarian Society of Denmark be takin' up the fight on her behalf, sayin' her diet be protected by the European Court of Human Rights.They be arguin' that the lass was discriminated against by not bein' given proper vegan vittles durin' her stay in the hospital. But the court in Hilleroed be sayin' she could have brought her own nosh or bought some vegan fare at a shop on the hospital grounds.The society be claimin' the woman, known as Mette Rasmussen, only got measly rations like dry white rice and baked carrots durin' her stay. She be thinkin' of appealin' the court's decision, sayin' the hospital food be lackin' in both nutrition and taste.So there ye have it, me hearties! The court be sayin' the hospital didn't violate the woman's rights, but she be thinkin' otherwise. Aye, the battle for vegan grub be a fierce one indeed!

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