The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ukraine be lettin' some scallywags out o' the brig to fight for 'em on th' high seas! Aye!


Arrr, at least 50 scallywags be set free under a new decree that lets 'em serve in hopes of gainin' their liberty. 'Tis all in a bid to fill the ranks of Ukraine's diminished forces. Aye, 'tis a clever ploy indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I bring ye news of a grand plan set forth by the land lubbers in Ukraine. They be lettin' 50 convicts out of their cells to serve in the fightin' forces, all in the hopes of earnin' a chance at parole. Aye, ye heard me right! These scallywags be tradin' in their prison chains for a chance at freedom on the high seas.
Now, some may say this be a bold move, lettin' criminals loose on the battlefields. But fear not, me mateys, for these miscreants be under close watch. They be fightin' alongside the regular crew, earnin' their keep and showin' their worth. And if they prove themselves in battle, they may just earn themselves a shot at freedom.
So next time ye be facin' off against a ship full of Ukrainian sailors, keep an eye out for the ex-convicts among them. They may be rough around the edges, but they be fightin' for a chance at redemption. And who knows, they just might turn the tide in Ukraine's favor. Arrr!

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