The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags at the Sports Betting Company gave Boris Johnson the ol' heave-ho from their soccer ad!


Arr matey, the scroll demanded the old sea dog, and Brexit swashbuckler, to don an England garb and proclaim, 'I vowed to set sail back to Europe!' Aye, he be a cunning scallywag indeed!

Arrr! The scallywags at the Sports Betting Company gave Boris Johnson the ol' heave-ho from their soccer ad!

Arrr matey, the ol' script be demandin' that the former prime minister, and Brexit champion, be wearin' an England jersey and declare, 'I told ye I would get us back in Europe.' Aye, ye heard that right, back in Europe we be goin', despite all the fuss and fightin' over Brexit. The script be havin' a sense of humor, makin' a jest at the whole situation. Imagine the former prime minister standin' there in his England jersey, boastin' about gettin' us back in Europe like a true champion.
It be a bit of a laugh, ain't it? The ol' Brexit champion, wearin' that England jersey like a badge of honor, showin' off his victory in the face of all the naysayers. Ye can almost picture him puffin' out his chest and givin' a hearty laugh at the irony of it all. So next time ye see a bloke in an England jersey, just remember the former prime minister and his bold declaration, 'I told ye I would get us back in Europe.' Aye, aye, captain!

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