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Ye olde scallywag met his end at the hands of the law in New Caledonia, aye, a tragic tale indeed!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis said a land lubber met his demise at the hands of the law in New Caledonia during a frenzy of riots. A skirmish broke out when the officers were beset upon by a rowdy band of troublemakers. Aye, a sorry tale indeed!

In riot-stricken New Caledonia, a man met his demise at the hands of the police, following President Emmanuel Macron's attempt to soothe tensions on the French-ruled island. The officer fired his weapon when he and his comrade were set upon by a mob of around 15 individuals, as reported by local media. The prosecutor's office, however, remained tight-lipped on the matter.This unfortunate incident added to the toll of seven fatalities during the recent 12-day turmoil spurred by a controversial electoral reform and exacerbated by stark economic inequalities between the native Kanak populace and those of European descent. Macron, during his brief visit, halted the reform temporarily, which aimed to expand voting rights to long-term French residents, potentially diluting the Kanak vote.The French government dispatched additional law enforcement personnel to quell the unrest, with reports indicating a relatively stable situation following the removal of numerous roadblocks. New Caledonia's social fabric is marred by significant economic gaps, with indigenous Kanaks facing a poverty rate of 32.5% compared to 9% among non-Kanaks, highlighting the enduring repercussions of France's colonial legacy.

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