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Arrr, British lass and wee scallywags accused of joinin' ISIS be sent back from Syrian camp. Aye matey!


Arrr! The Syrian Kurdish scallywags be givin' up a British lass and her wee ones tied to the Islamic State scoundrels to the Brits. 'Tis a jolly good deed, me hearties! Let's hope they don't be causin' any more trouble on the high seas!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, a British woman and three wee children associated with the scallywags of the militant Islamic State group in Syria were handed over to a U.K. delegation this week by the Syrian Kurdish authorities. Arrr!The handover o' the lass and the young'uns took place on a fine Wednesday, as part of a plan to repatriate folks from the al-Hol and Roj camps in northeastern Syria, where many a wife and child of them IS scoundrels be holed up.The Kurdish authorities kept mum about the names of the four, only lettin' on that they were housed at the Roj camp before the handover occurred.A delegation led by Britain's Special Representative for Syria, Ann Snow, made a visit to these lands, discussin' with the Kurds the ongoing threat posed by IS, even after the rascals lost their grip on Iraq and Syria.Elham Ahmad, a bigwig in the regional Syrian Kurdish administration, called for "radical solutions" to deal with the menace of terrorism, demandin' that the thousands of IS members and suspects held in jails face justice.Back in 2014, the scallywags of IS declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, attractin' followers from all corners of the world. But the swashbucklers were eventually defeated by a coalition led by the United States.Thousands of folks tied to the group were brought to the al-Hol camp near the Iraqi border, with many bein' repatriated over the years. The U.S. and other countries have also been takin' their citizens out o' these camps in recent times.Just this month, the U.S. brought back 11 of its own from the camps, while earlier on, over 200 Syrians were sent back to their homeland in the eastern province borderin' Iraq. Avast, ye scallywags, the fight against the likes of IS continues on!

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