The Booty Report

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Arrr, Fred Roos, a swashbucklin' casting matey and Coppola comrade, be takin' his final voyage at 89. Fare thee well!


Yarrr mateys, this scallywag be known for pickin' the finest buccaneers in all of Hollywood! He be sharin' the gold Oscar for "The Godfather Part II" with that landlubber Francis Ford Coppola. Aye, a true legend in the sea of showbiz!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye about a man known across the seven seas as a master of findin' talent in Hollywood! Aye, this man be sharin' the best-picture Oscar with none other than Francis Ford Coppola for their work on “The Godfather Part II.”
He be like a pirate captain with the sharpest eye for treasure in all of Tinseltown! His name be whispered in awe amongst the stars, for he be discoverin' the brightest gems in the land of movin' pictures.
Some say he be havin' a magic crystal ball that helps him see the future of cinema, while others claim he be strikin' deals with Davy Jones himself to secure the best talent for his films!
So raise a tankard of grog in his honor, me hearties, for this Hollywood legend be settin' sail on the high seas of fame and fortune, discoverin' the next generation of silver screen stars for us all to enjoy!

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