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Avast ye scallywags! Former leader Uribe be caught meddlin' with witnesses in Colombian court! Aye, justice be served!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been reported that the former Colombian Cap'n Álvaro Uribe hath been charged with tamperin' wit' witnesses and bribery. Methinks he be in a spot o' trouble now! Ye best be watchin' yer back when dealin' wit' them pesky officials, mateys! Arrr!

In a scandal fit for the high seas, former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe has been charged with witness tampering and bribery, facing up to 12 years behind bars if convicted. The charges stem from his attempts to discredit a political rival who was investigating his family's ties to right-wing paramilitary groups.The case dates back to 2012 when Uribe accused a leftist lawmaker of slander, only to have the investigation turned back on him in 2018 for fraud and manipulating testimony. Despite his denial of any wrongdoing, Uribe has been caught on wiretaps discussing efforts to influence witnesses against him.Uribe, a powerful figure in Colombian politics, has faced allegations of ties to drug cartels and paramilitaries since the 1980s. The legal battle against him comes at a time of heightened political tension in the country, with the election of another Uribe critic as president.Despite previous attempts to close the case, prosecutors have now vowed to take Uribe to trial, accusing him of abusing his position to manipulate witnesses. While Uribe may have temporarily dodged house arrest, the legal storm surrounding him shows no signs of abating.

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