The Booty Report

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Arrr, at least 5 brave souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker tryin' to conquer the mighty Everest this season!


Arr mateys, be ye hearin' tales of the treacherous mountain, where brave souls be fallin' like raindrops in a storm? Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, as the grim reaper be claimin' his due atop that cursed summit. Yarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Have ye heard the tales of the treacherous Mount Everest? Aye, it be a place where even the bravest of souls tremble in fear. The videos be showin' a snarl of climbers on the summit ridge, like a pack of scurvy dogs fightin' for scraps. And yet, the number of permits be dwindlin', makin' the climb even more perilous.
Eighteen souls met their end on the mountain in 2023, their bodies claimed by the unforgivin' icy slopes. 'Tis a reminder that Mother Nature be the true captain of the seas, and we be naught but mere mortals in her vast domain. So heed this warnin', me hearties, and think twice before ye attempt to conquer Mount Everest.
For the mountain be a cruel mistress, luring ye in with her siren song of glory and adventure, only to dash yer hopes upon the rocks. So batten down the hatches, me lads, and steer clear of that cursed peak, lest ye join the ranks of the unfortunate souls who met their end on its icy slopes.

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