The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy Director be bringin' a flick and a bit o' hope to Cannes, straight from the shores of Iran!


Avast ye landlubbers! The scallywag Mohammad Rasoulof be spillin' the beans on his daring escape from the clink to avoid a stretch in the brig. A tale fit for the high seas, me hearties! Mayhaps he made off with a chest of dubloons to fund his next adventure! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties, gather 'round and listen to the tale of Mohammad Rasoulof, a scallywag who outwitted the authorities to escape a fate worse than walkin' the plank. This brave soul, known for his work in the moving pictures, faced a prison sentence in his homeland but refused to be locked away like a landlubber.
Instead, Rasoulof donned his best swashbucklin' attire and slipped away into the night like a shadow on the high seas. He revealed his daring escape at a grand news conference, regaling the audience with tales of his evasion of capture and his journey to freedom.
His film, "The Seed of the Sacred Fig," be a testament to his defiance of tyranny and his determination to tell his stories against all odds. So raise yer tankards to this ballsy buccaneer and his escapades on the silver screen!

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