The Booty Report

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Arrr, why be these landlubbers stayin' in Haiti, where the law be as scarce as me treasure? Aargh!


Avast ye scallywags! Two yankee missionaries and a Haitian aid director be sent to Davy Jones' locker in the latest scuffle with the rascally gangs in Port-au-Prince. 'Tis a treacherous sea we sail on, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have a tale of woe and treachery to share with ye. It be the tale of two brave American missionaries and a noble Haitian aid director, who met a tragic end at the hands of ruthless gang violence in the fair city of Haiti.
These brave souls were on a noble mission to spread goodwill and aid to the downtrodden and needy, but alas, they were met with naught but violence and death. The streets of Haiti be a dangerous place, filled with cutthroat scoundrels and bloodthirsty pirates who show no mercy to those who dare to bring hope and assistance to the poor souls in need.
Let this be a warning to all ye who dare to venture into the lawless lands of Haiti, for danger lurks at every corner and death may come swiftly and without warning. May the souls of these valiant missionaries and aid director rest in peace, and may their sacrifice not be in vain. And to the villains who committed this heinous act, beware, for justice shall come for ye, with a vengeance as fierce as the wrath of Davy Jones himself.

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