The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been announced that Sean Baker's film 'Anora' be takin' the grand prize at Cannes! Aye!


Arrr, the tale o' a wench's life, crafted by the land lubber Sean Baker, be winnin' the grand treasure at a feast that be celebratin' George Lucas as well. Aye, a fine haul for the silver screen, indeed!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round as I spin ye a tale about a flick called "The Florida Project," from a bloke named Sean Baker. This here movie be about a lass who be makin' her living in the oldest profession known to man. Aye, she be a sex worker, but she be livin' her life in a colorful motel in Florida with her wee one.
Now listen up, me hearties, 'cause this film be winnin' top honors at a ceremony. Aye, it be takin' home the grand prize, just like a pirate takin' home the booty. And to top it all off, George Lucas, that scallywag of a filmmaker, be gettin' some honors too. Aye, he be walkin' the plank of recognition at this here event.
So there ye have it, me buckos. "The Florida Project" be a film worth watchin', with a story as wild as a storm on the high seas. And Sean Baker be a filmmaker worth keepin' an eye on, just like a lookout on a pirate ship. So next time ye be lookin' for a good movie to watch, raise the Jolly Roger and set sail for "The Florida Project."

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