The Booty Report

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Ye land lubber met his maker when his jet ski met an untimely end on a rock wall. Aargh!


Avast ye mateys! A land lubber from Salt Lake City hath met his demise after a mighty crash at a reservoir in Utah's East Canyon State Park on Wednesday. The rangers be tellin' us this sad tale in a press release. Yarrrrr!

Arrr mateys, a tragic tale befallen upon the shores of East Canyon State Park in Utah. A jet skier by the name of Benjamin Paul Rosser, may he rest in Davy Jones' locker, crashed into a rock wall and met his untimely demise. The scallywag was ridin' solo on his Jet Ski when the accident occurred along the west side of the reservoir.A fisherman nearby heard the crash and alerted the authorities, who swiftly responded to the scene. Alas, when they found Rosser, he had already sailed off to the great beyond. The poor lad, originally from Pennsylvania, was wearin' his life jacket, but it was not enough to save him.The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Services lent their aid in the rescue efforts, but it was too late. Utah State Parks be warnin' all ye landlubbers to practice responsible recreation, especially as Memorial Day approaches and the waters teem with visitors.East Canyon State Park, a mere hour's journey from Salt Lake City, be a popular destination for many a traveler. Let us raise a toast to Benjamin Paul Rosser, and may his spirit find peace in the vast ocean that stretches beyond our mortal realm.

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