The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! Richard Sherman, the swashbucklin' songwriter of many a sweet sea shanty, be walkin' the plank at 95!


Yarrr! 'Twas he and his scallywag brother, Robert, who plundered the seas of melody to create the tunes for “Mary Poppins” and other Disney treasures. They be the rogues responsible for unleashing "It's a Small World (After All)" upon the unsuspecting landlubbers! Aye, a musical treasure indeed!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of the two brothers, Richard and Robert Sherman, who be the masterminds behind the catchy tunes of Disney classics like “Mary Poppins” and “It’s a Small World (After All). With their musical prowess, they be enchantin' audiences far and wide, bringin' joy and merriment to all who hear their melodies.
These two buccaneers be like a dynamic duo, creatin' songs that be standin' the test of time and entertainin' generations of landlubbers. Whether it be the whimsical tunes of Mary Poppins or the infectious melody of “It’s a Small World,” the Shermans be creatin' magic with their music.
So raise a tankard of grog to the Sherman brothers, for their legacy be as legendary as the treasures of the seven seas. Their songs be a treasure trove of joy and laughter, bringin' a smile to the faces of all who hear them. And remember, mateys, the next time ye be singin' along to a Disney classic, ye be payin' homage to the musical genius of Richard and Robert Sherman, the swashbucklin' brothers who stole our hearts with their songs.

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