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Ye scurvy knaves be abandoning ship over an exhibit? Avast, me hearties, what be the matter with ye landlubbers?


Arrr mateys at the Wing Luke Museum be rebelling against the "Confronting Hate Together" exhibit, claimin' it be paintin' anti-Zionism as hateful. Me thinks they be wantin' to walk the plank for such tomfoolery! Aye, the sea be full of sharks and so be the museum staff!

A Seattle-based museum, the Wing Luke Museum, faced temporary closure due to accusations from employees claiming that their exhibit "Confronting Hate Together" inadvertently supported Israel. The museum employees, organized under @wlm4palestine on Instagram, argued that the exhibit wrongly linked anti-Zionism with antisemitism. The strike consisted of over 20 employees, including full-time and part-time staff members, who walked out on the day the exhibit opened.The employees demanded the removal of language framing Palestinian liberation and anti-Zionism as antisemitism and called for acknowledgment of limited perspectives in the exhibition. A GoFundMe campaign was set up to compensate for missed wages, raising $3,939. The museum issued a sympathetic statement supporting the strikers' right to express their beliefs.However, the museum's support of the protests faced criticism, with some accusing them of making Jewish communities feel less safe and isolated. The museum's response was met with mixed reactions, with some calling for more exhibits and education to encourage dialogue rather than imposing demands as facts.Fox News Digital reached out to the museum and striking employees for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.

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