The Booty Report

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Arr, them sneaky spies be causin' a stir amongst our merry band in Hong Kong! Aye, the scallywags!


Arrr mateys! Many a brave soul from Hong Kong have sailed to the shores of the U.K. since 2021, includin' some feisty pro-democracy scallywags. But mark me words, China be keepin' a weather eye on 'em, waitin' to pounce like a hungry shark! Aye!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! Tens of thousands of brave souls from Hong Kong have made their way to the shores of the U.K. since 2021. Among them be the fearless pro-democracy activists who be standin' up to the tyranny of China. But mark me words, China be keepin' a close eye on 'em.
These swashbucklin' heroes be settlin' in a new land, seekin' refuge from the oppressive rule of the dragon. But even across the seas, China's shadow looms large. They be watchin' and waitin', ready to pounce on anyone who dares to speak out against 'em.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to these brave souls from Hong Kong, who be standin' tall in the face of danger. May they find safety and freedom in the U.K., far from the clutches of the dragon. And may we all remember their sacrifice, as we sail the high seas of life, fightin' for justice and liberty for all.

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