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Yarrr! Israeli cannons be a-blazing, sendin' two scallywag commanders and many landlubbers to Davy Jones' locker in Rafah!


Avast ye scallywags! Word be out that an Israeli bombardment hath sent two top Hamas scallywags to Davy Jones' locker in Rafah! Arrr, many a landlubber were also sent to the great beyond. Shiver me timbers!

An Israeli airstrike on a Hamas compound in the Gazan city of Rafah has led to the demise of two top Hamas officials, along with many civilians falling victim to the chaos.The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have verified their strike on a Hamas compound in Rafah, targeting significant Hamas terrorists according to their intelligence reports.The strike took out Yassin Rabia, Hamas' leader in Judea and Samaria, and Khaled Nagar, a senior Hamas official, both responsible for past terrorist attacks against Israelis.While the IDF acknowledges civilian casualties from the strike, they assure that it is under review.Meanwhile, reports from Palestinian health officials suggest at least 35 Palestinians lost their lives in the attack, with more casualties expected as rescue efforts continue in the devastated neighborhood.The airstrike followed a rocket barrage from Hamas, setting off alarms in Tel Aviv, with no immediate casualties reported.The ongoing conflict has resulted in widespread destruction, with Gaza facing severe hunger and famine as civilians suffer amidst the chaos.Hamas initiated the conflict, leading to a violent response from Israel, as the two sides continue to clash in this deadly feud.Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu aims for total victory over Hamas, as the conflict escalates despite international calls for peace.

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