The Booty Report

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Michelle Buteau be the captain of 'Babes' on Netflix, a treasure worth plunderin' fer sure! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! This funny wench be makin' a name for herself in the flick "Babes" and now be settin' sail for the grand stage of Radio City Music Hall for her new jolly roger of a special. Aye, she be a true treasure of the comedy seas!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up as I regale ye with a tale of a jolly good comedian who be makin' a name for herself in the land of moving pictures. No longer stuck playin' second fiddle, this lass be takin' the spotlight in a film called “Babes” and showin' the world her comedic chops.
But that be not all me hearties, for this funny lass be settin' her sights on an even grander stage – the legendary Radio City Music Hall! Aye, ye heard me right, she be takin' her talents to the big city and entertainin' the masses with her wit and humor.
So raise a glass and toast to this plucky comedian, for she be showin' the world that she be a star in her own right. From supportin' roles to headlinin' shows at one of the most famous venues in all the land, she be provin' that with hard work and a bit o' luck, any dream be within reach.

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