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Arrrr, on this Memorial Day, I be wantin' me grandson to hear 'bout a brave soul who be servin' and sacrificin' for his country.


Arrr, may me new scallywag grandson Henry learn the many ways to be of service and see the noble and honorable duty of servin' our country. Yarrr, may he be a fine sailor like his old grandpappy!

Arr matey! Our wee grandson, Henry Joseph Hernandez, be joining our crew a few moons back. He be named after his great-grandfather, Henry, and his grandfather, Joe. We be wantin' young Henry to learn all kinds of things - love for his kin, his mates, and the town folk; love for his land; the true meanin' o' honor; how to keep at it when the seas get rough; how to live a life in service to others. These be lessons we be seein' in the lives of the veterans in our crew who we be celebratin' this Memorial Day.Great-grandfather Henry, also known as James Henry Stanton, be a brave soul. He be a black sailor in the U.S. Army durin' World War II, a time when it weren't easy fer a man o' color to serve. But Henry, he stood tall and showed his mettle.After the war, he be sent to Germany for the Nuremburg trials. Our Henry earned many medals and commendations for his valor. He re-upped in '48, showin' his dedication to his land.In '52, Henry be honorably discharged as a sergeant. He returned home, worked in a mill, and raised a family. My son-in-law says his grandpa be a good man, proud of his service. A fine example for our young Henry to follow - love for country, persistence, and the value of hard work.Two other great-grandfathers o' little Henry also served in the Army. My pa, George Showers, fought in Korea, stationed in Germany. Joe's da, Charles Crescenz, was in Europe durin' World War II, even helpin' out as a chaplain's mate.My own great-grandpa, another George Showers, fought in the Civil War for the Union. He be wounded and nursed back to health in Washington, D.C.Joe's grandfathers had their tales too - Martin McLaughlin, a sergeant major in the Marines trainin' troops in World War I, and Carmine Crescenzo, the firstborn son who signed up in '17 at 28, drivin' an ambulance stateside.Joe's elder brother, Charlie, served tough months in Vietnam as a Marine. And my brother George, a postman in the Army, kept the mail comin' for the troops.May young Henry learn from these fine men - many ways to serve, many ways to be noble. They be true heroes, teachin' duty and honor, each in their own way.Some served in combat like Charlie, others like my pa delivered mail. Martin trained the next generation, and Joe's da tended to souls. Many showed bravery, like my wounded great-grandpa and Joe's fallen brother, Michael.Michael's tale be one o' true courage and selflessness. He be lost in Vietnam at 19, after only two months, but not afore takin' down three enemy bunkers to save his mates. 'Twas an act o' bravery that earned him the Medal of Honor posthumously in '70.May our young Henry learn of these stories, growin' up with respect and gratitude for his forebears who served. They be the true heart and soul o' our land, and we be hopin' these lessons will guide him well on his own adventure.

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