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Arr, Netanyahu be sayin' he be investigatin' the incident that sent those scallywags to Davy Jones' locker!


Arr matey, after IDF cannons blasted two scurvy Hamas scallywags to Davy Jones' locker, Israel be scratching their heads as to why innocent souls were sent to join 'em. On Monday, Netanyahu be lamenting that something went tragically awry. Aye, aye, what a pickle!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his crew on Monday denied accusations that their air force aimed to harm civilians in their strike that got rid of two senior scallywags from Hamas on Sunday. On the same day, Hamas fired a slew of missiles into crowded areas of Israel, causing quite a ruckus.Arrr, there be conflicting reports on the number of civilians who met Davy Jones' locker in the Rafah strike. The scallywags from Hamas claimed at least 45 souls were lost, while other sources speak of up to 50 souls lost at sea.Captain Netanyahu gave a speech to the Israeli parliament, saying they tried to evacuate the landlubbers from Rafah. Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong. The scallywags from Biden's crew expressed their sorrow over the loss of innocent souls during the battle.Despite the captain's efforts to protect the civilians, the scallywags from Hamas do not spare the innocents in their attacks. The crew of the IDF is investigating the incident to understand what went awry in their battle against the scallywags of Hamas.The IDF regrets any harm done to the civilians in the heat of the battle. The general staff is investigating the circumstances of the civilian deaths caused by the raid. The scallywags from Hamas continue their attacks on innocent civilians, provoking the Jewish state to defend itself.

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