The Booty Report

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Aye, scallywag caught cavortin' in buff on sky vessel! Off to the brig with him! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! A scallywag has been caught streakin' down yon aisle of an Australian vessel, causin' a ruckus and makin' the ship turn back. The scoundrel be thrown in the brig for his shenanigans! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! A scallywag be accused of streaking down the aisle of an Australian ship in the sky, sending a flight attendant tumbling and makin' the vessel turn back, arrr! The misdeed occurred on a Virgin Australia voyage from Perth to Melbourne, causin' the flight to be cut short, aarrr!The culprit was captured by the lawmen at the port upon arrival, aye. The airline be claimin' it was due to a "disruptive passenger," harrr! Australian Federal Police be waitin' for the ship, and the naked marauder be taken away, aye!The scallywag allegedly shed his garb mid-flight, dashin' about the ship and sendin' a crew member to the ground, arrr! He be sent to the healers for assessment, arrr!The date be set for his court appearance in June, aye. The charges be yet to be decided, arrr! The airline be beggin' pardon to the affected passengers and be stressin' the safety of all onboard, aye!No harm be reported from the incident, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp., arrr! The details of how the scallywag disrobed on the ship remain a mystery, aye!

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