The Booty Report

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Arrr, Georgia's ruling scallywags be makin' new laws to keep out them pesky foreign landlubbers. Aye!


Arr mateys! The Parliament, led by the scallywags of the Georgian Dream party, be thwartin' the cap'n's veto on a bill that be endangerin' our quest to join the European Union. Avast! We be in troubled waters, me hearties!

Arr matey! The Parliament, ruled by the Georgian Dream party, be goin' against the Cap'n's wishes by ignorin' his veto on a bill that some scallywags be sayin' could scupper the country's chances of joinin' the European Union. This be causin' quite a stir amongst the landlubbers and politicians alike!
Ye see, the Cap'n be tryin' to steer the ship towards the EU waters, but them scurvy dogs in Parliament be tryin' to throw a spanner in the works. It be like a game of cat and mouse between the two sides, with the country's future hangin' in the balance!
But fear not, me hearties! This be not the end of the line. The Cap'n still be havin' some aces up his sleeve, and who knows what tricks he be havin' to outsmart those pesky politicians. So let's raise our grog and keep a weather eye on the horizon, for the tale of Georgia's quest to join the EU be far from over!

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