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The lass in charge of Taiwan be grateful for the brave lads who stood up to China's shenanigans.


Arr, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te be thankin' them brave fighter pilots who be takin' to the skies against China's war games 'round the island! China be throwin' a fit 'cause of Lai's speech, but we be showin' 'em who be boss, aye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te thanked the fighter pilots who had scrambled against China during its war games around the island last week. China, claiming Taiwan as its own territory, started drills as "punishment" for Lai's inauguration speech, to which Taiwan responded with condemnation. Lai, labeled a "separatist" by China, rejects Beijing's sovereignty claims and insists that only the island's people can determine their future. Despite tensions, Taiwan's legislature passed measures reducing the president's power.During a visit to the Hualien air base, home to Taiwan's advanced F-16Vs, Lai expressed gratitude to the pilots for their dedication to national security in response to Chinese military exercises. The pilots operate on 24-hour standby for air patrol missions, showcasing their combat skills and determination. Taiwan is upgrading its F-16A/B jets to the F-16V type, equipped with advanced systems to counter China's air force, including J-20 stealth fighters. The F-16Vs can also carry advanced air-to-air missiles.Taiwan's government maintains that, as the People's Republic of China has never governed the island, it has no authority to claim it or dictate its future.

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