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Arrr! Ye scurvy dogs in Belarus, lend a hand to a matey with cancer afore it be too late!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy U.N. landlubbers be beggin' the authorities in Belarus to lend a hand to poor ol' prisoner Pavel Kuchynski, who's been struck with a nasty disease! Let's hope they be showin' some mercy and takin' care of the poor soul!

Arrr, ye scurvy Belarusian authorities be walkin' the plank fer denyin' medical assistance to a poor political prisoner with cancer! The U.N. human rights experts be raisin' their Jolly Roger in protest of this egregious treatment of Pavel Kuchynski, who be sufferin' from advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma.The lad be locked up fer insultin' the president and threatenin' violence, but now be facin' a life-threatening illness without proper care. The experts be demandin' his release or at least transfer to a proper medical facility.Belarus be crackin' down hard on any form of dissent since the disputed reelection of President Alexander Lukashenko in 2020. The opposition be cryin' foul and the West be condemnin' the fraudulent vote.With over 1,400 political prisoners behind bars in Belarus, includin' Nobel laureates and many with serious health issues, the situation be dire. Let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers – stand up fer human rights or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank next!

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