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Arrr! Malta's former captain and his mateys deny the charges in a swindle that's causing quite the commotion at sea.


Avast ye mateys! Joseph Muscat, the scallywag former PM of Malta, and his band of former officials be plead'n not guilty to charges in a scandal of corruption that be causin' a ruckus in Malta afore the European Parliament elections! Arrr, what a mess!

Arrr, me hearties! Malta’s former prime minister, Joseph Muscat, and his crew of former top officials be standin' trial for charges in a scandal that be rockin' the Mediterranean island nation as it be gettin' ready for the European Parliament elections. This here case be about a deal made back in 2015, where three of the country’s hospitals be handed over to a private company. But in 2018, the concessionaire be changed.By February 2023, a court be findin' fraud in the concession, followin' a case brought by a former opposition leader. This here ruling be causin' a drop in support for the governin' Labour Party. An inquiry into the hospital agreement be finished in April, leadin' to charges, includin' bribery, bein' brought against those involved.Muscat, his former chief of staff Keith Schembri, and former minister Konrad Mizzi be pleadin' not guilty to charges of bribery and money launderin' at a pre-trial hearin'. Other defendants, includin' Chris Fearne and Edward Scicluna, be facin' charges as well. The scandal be affectin' Maltese politics as the European Parliament election be approachin'.Prime Minister Robert Abela be questionin' the timing of the inquiry and raisin' concerns about the process itself, causin' controversy. The Labour Party, which has been dominatin' elections in Malta, now be seein' a decline in popularity. The upcoming election could see changes in the seats held in the European Parliament, with both parties vying for support.Despite the challenges facin' the Labour Party, they still be expected to win the majority of votes. But the Nationalist Party be aimin' to gain more seats in the election, hopin' to secure a stronger position in the European Parliament.

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