The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israel be usin' American bombs to cause mischief near Rafah, killin' dozens in the process. What a scallywag move!


Arrr mateys! The cannons and muskets be spied by weapons scholars and a shipmate's keen eye in the Times' spyglass. 'Twas a grand battle for the ages, as we searched for the scallywags responsible for this treacherous attack on the refugees' camp. Aye, a pox on their ship!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The scallywags who be attackin' a camp for the unfortunate souls have been caught red-handed! Weapons experts and those savvy swashbucklers at The Times have identified the munitions used in this despicable act. Aye, they be usin' cannons and muskets, just like the scoundrels of old!
But fear not, me hearties, for justice shall be served! The scallywags who be behind this cowardly attack will soon be walkin' the plank, mark me words! The lawless seas be a dangerous place, but we pirates be keepin' a watchful eye on those who would do harm to the innocent.
So let this be a warnin' to all ye landlubbers out there - if ye be thinkin' of causin' trouble, ye best think again! The long arm of the law be reachin' even into the darkest corners of the seven seas. And remember, me hearties, it be better to be a friend to all than an enemy to none. Savvy?

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