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Ye scallywag's beau be banished from the nuptials, but fear not, for she be findin' true shipmates on Reddit!


Arr matey! A lass on Reddit be sayin' her mate was uninvited from her kin's weddin'. But fear not, said etiquette expert, she didn't scuttle the shindig by speakin' up. Yarrr!

In a recent post on the "Am I the A--hole" subreddit, Reddit user "Lusse-Eldalion" questioned whether she was in the wrong for supposedly ruining her cousin's upcoming wedding. The woman, who is close to her cousin and has invited her to meet her boyfriend, was shocked when her boyfriend was uninvited due to budget constraints. Feeling hurt and betrayed, she voiced her concerns but was met with accusations of ruining the wedding day. Most Reddit users supported her, agreeing that the situation was strange and that her cousin could have handled it better. An etiquette expert also weighed in, saying it was understandable for the woman to speak up. After speaking to her cousin, the woman learned that the decision to uninvite significant others was due to personal preferences rather than financial reasons. Despite the cousin's offer to make an exception for the boyfriend, tensions remained high. As the situation unfolded, the woman struggled to reconcile her feelings and received advice to prioritize her own happiness on the wedding day.

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