The Booty Report

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Arrr, as the scallywag Democrats turn into lasses, the GOP grows more like a band of buccaneers!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags on the 'Gutfeld!' ship be talkin' about why some landlubbers be jumpin' ship from the Democratic Party. Arrr, could it be they be lookin' for buried treasure in the Republican waters? Aye, it be a swashbucklin' mystery!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it seems like Democrat women just won't leave us men alone, matey! All we want is to do our jobs, lend a hand when needed, and then be left to our own devices, like a ship without a captain. But recently on "The View," a pack of fierce female Dems descended on this poor bloke like he was the last bottle of rum on a deserted island.Arrr! The banter went something like this: Sunny Hostin urging Charlamagne to not sit out, Charlamagne defending himself, and Whoopi Goldberg chiming in about the importance of speaking out. It's like they were trying to keelhaul him for having a different opinion!But what if "The View" were a bunch of salty sea dogs instead of lasses? Would they have handled things the same way? Methinks not! Men just want to help out and be left to their own devices. The new Democratic Party, full of Karens and cucks, is driving men away faster than a sinking ship.The real reason for the shift to Trump from Dems? It's not about race, it's about gender. Men are fleeing the Democratic Party like it's a sinking ship, and the women in the party aren't making things any easier.So, me hearties, let's remember that we need both men and women to keep our ship of civilization afloat. Let's make sweet music together, instead of bickering like a crew of landlubbers!

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