Ye olde 81-year-old scallywag, known as the 'Serial Slingshot Shooter', be thrown in the brig after years of mischief! Aargh!
Arrr, the scallywag in Azusa hath been shatterin' windows fer years, but fear not me hearties, the constables hath caught the scurvy dog responsible! Let him walk the plank for his misdeeds!
Avast ye landlubbers in Azusa, Calif.! Fer years, the good people of this fair town 'ave been sufferin' from broken windows. The scallywag responsible fer this mischief 'as finally been caught by the constables!Arrr, the rogue tried to evade capture, but the lawmen were too clever fer 'im. They tracked 'im down like a pack o' bloodthirsty buccaneers on the high seas. The bilge rat's days of smashin' windows be over!
Ye can rest easy now, me hearties, knowin' that justice 'as been served. No longer will the good folk o' Azusa 'ave to worry about their windows gettin' smashed by this miscreant.
So let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy dogs out there - crime don't pay, especially when ye mess with the good people o' Azusa. The law will always catch up to ye, no matter 'ow hard ye try to escape!