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Arrr! Brazil's captain be pullin' back his matey from Israel, leavin' a hole in their diplomatic ship. Aye!


Arrr! Brazil be pullin' its ambassador from Israel after many moons of quarrel over the battle in Gaza. 'Tis a right kerfuffle in the country's gazette. Ye best be watchin' yer backs, mateys!

Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in a bold move straight out of Davy Jones' locker, withdrew his ambassador to Israel after months of swashbuckling tensions over the war in Gaza. The announcement was made in Brazil's official gazette, leaving Israel scrambling to respond to this unexpected broadside.Lula, a seasoned seafarer in the political waters, has been a vocal critic of Israel's actions in Gaza, even likening them to the dreaded Holocaust. This comparison raised the Jolly Roger for Israel's Foreign Minister, who summoned the Brazilian ambassador for a public dressing-down at the national Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.Following this scuffle, Lula called his ambassador back home, but the latest move marks a full-on diplomatic downgrade, with the ambassador being transferred to Geneva. The war of words between Brazil and Israel continues to rage on, with casualties mounting on both sides.In the midst of this conflict, with accusations flying like cannonballs, it's clear that Lula and Israel are sailing in different directions. Only time will tell if these adversaries can find common ground or if their ships will remain on a collision course in the stormy seas of international diplomacy.

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