The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, 2,000 sea lions be breakin' records in the port o' San Francisco! Shiver me timbers!


Arr mateys, the scallywags at Pier 39 bein' overrun by 2,000 sea lions! 'Tis a record-breaking invasion, we be needin' more rum and less fish to keep these blubberin' beasts at bay! Arrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! I bring ye news from the high seas - the sea lions at Pier 39 have multiplied like gold doubloons in a pirate's treasure chest! Aye, the population has swelled to a mighty 2,000, shattering all previous records like a ship hitting a reef!
Arrr, it be a sight to behold, me hearties! These magnificent creatures lounging about on the docks, barking and frolicking in the salty spray. They be the true kings of the pier, ruling over their domain with regal splendor.
But beware, ye scurvy dogs! These sea lions may look cute and cuddly, but they be fierce and territorial like a ship full of pirates guarding their loot. Tread lightly, lest ye incur their wrath and be sent to Davy Jones' locker!
So come one, come all, and witness this marvel of nature at Pier 39. The sea lions be putting on a show like no other, entertaining the masses with their antics and grace. Aye, it be a sight to see, me hearties - a true treasure of the sea!

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