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Ye scallywags have captured a Chinese matey, who be mastermindin' a $99M botnet! The crime network be dismantled, arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! A swashbucklin' crew o' law enforcers 'ave captured a Chinese buccaneer and scuppered one o' the grandest botnets on the high seas, sailin' for a good ten years! Aye, the scallywag be walkin' the plank now! Arrr!

Ye scallywags have captured a Chinese matey, who be mastermindin' a $99M botnet! The crime network be dismantled, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! A Chinese national has been caught red-handed and his nefarious botnet operation has been scuttled by an international crew of law enforcement officers. This scurvy dog ran a network of infected computers across nearly 200 countries, raking in a booty of at least $99 million by peddling access to fellow criminals for dastardly deeds like identity theft, child exploitation, and financial fraud, including pandemic relief scams.The U.S. Department of Justice, led by FBI Director Christopher Wray, hailed this bust as a major victory, dubbing the "911 S5" botnet as the biggest on the seven seas. The pirate mastermind, Yunhe Wang, was captured in Singapore, where authorities seized $29 million in cryptocurrency from his treasure trove.These cyber scallywags used Wang's armada of zombie computers to plunder billions from financial institutions and federal programs since 2014. The rapscallion sold access to over 19 million hijacked Windows computers to crooks worldwide, resulting in over $5.9 billion in fraudulent losses.It's said Wang used his ill-gotten gains to buy properties across the globe, from China to the United States to the Caribbean. This scurvy knave operated his botnet through 150 servers, half of which were leased from landlubbers in the U.S.Arrr, the Justice Department be thanking their allies in Singapore and Thailand for aiding in this grand capture. Let this be a warning to all ye blackguards out there—crime doesn't pay in the end!

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