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China be touting their military skills near Taiwan, but be ready for more if ye dare provoke them! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! China's military be conquerin' their goals in exercises 'round Taiwan, aye! The scallywags put on a show of force just last week, mark me words from the defense ministry. Hoist the jolly roger!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! China's military be boastin' that they met their "expected goals" durin' two days o' drills 'round Taiwan last week, but they be ready fer more action if provoked, says a defense ministry spokesperson on Thursday. China be seein' Taiwan as their own territory, and staged these war games after President Lai Ching-te be sworn in, whom they call a "separatist."Taiwan be warnin' that China be tryin' to "nibble away" at their space and create a new normal with these drills. The People's Liberation Army be claimin' that these drills be to contain aggressive Taiwanese independence and separatist activities, and as a warnin' against foreign interference.While the drills be done, China's military activities be continuin', with warplanes and warships patrolin' ne'er Taiwan. Chinese pressure be keepin' Taiwan out o' many international bodies, includin' a World Health Organization meeting this week. China be makin' other moves too, like openin' new air routes close to Taiwan-controlled islands and sendin' coast guard ships to Taiwan's east coast.The Chinese communists be pressin' on, tryin' to annex Taiwan, but Taiwan be standin' their ground, sayin' only their people can decide their future. Stability be important to all, not just the two sides o' the Strait. Let's hope they can settle their differences without any more swordplay or cannon fire!

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