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Arrr! Nigeria's new tune, penned by a bloke from Britain, stirs up a ruckus after a pesky law be passed!


Arrr mateys, Nigeria be singin' a different tune now! Aye, they be switchin' their anthem like a scurvy dog switchin' ships. The scallywags be up in arms over this decision, but I reckon it be all in good fun!

In jolly ol' Nigeria, a new national anthem be adopted, me hearties! The current one, "Arise, O Compatriots," was ditched like a scurvy-ridden rat in favor of an old tune from the year 1960, titled "Nigeria We Hail Thee." This change be makin' many a landlubber scratchin' their heads in confusion and anger, as the law was passed quicker than Blackbeard could plunder a merchant ship. President Bola Tinubu gave his blessing to this switcheroo, but the common folk be cryin' foul, sayin' they won't be singin' this new ditty.The old anthem, with its talk of servin' the fatherland and honorin' heroes past, be holdin' strong since 1978. But now, the government be bringin' back a tune from the time of swashbucklin' and adventure, penned by a British lass named Lillian Jean Williams. Some salty dogs argue that it be high time the military-made anthem be walkin' the plank.While some scallywags be raisin' their tankards in support of the new anthem, others be shoutin' from the crow's nest that it be a shameful display of disregard for the people's wishes. In the end, the decision be made, and the new anthem be played for the first time at a legislative session, markin' Tinubu's year as president. Whether the people be singin' along or not, only Davy Jones himself knows.

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