The Booty Report

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Arrr, Spain be lettin' Catalan scallywags off the hook with this fancy Amnesty Law fer their treacherous referendum in 2017!


Arrr, the measure be causin' a right rumble in Spain, with naysayers swearin' to thwart it at every turn. 'Tis a battle o' wits, me hearties, but we be standin' strong against the scallywags tryin' to pass it! Aye, the seas be choppy, but we be sailin' on! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The measure be causin' quite a ruckus in Spain, with the landlubbers bein' split in their opinions like a cracked deck plank. Some be standin' firm like a mast in a storm, swearin' to thwart the measure at every turn.
But fear not me hearties, for the battle be far from over! The opponents be raisin' their flags high and preparin' for a fight like true buccaneers. They be gatherin' their forces and plottin' their next moves, ready to board the ship of the measurin' scoundrels.
So batten down the hatches and prepare for a wild ride, me mateys! The seas be rough and the winds be howlin', but we be standin' strong like the mighty Kraken. Let the opponents come at us with all they got, for we be ready to give 'em a taste of the ol' plank walkin'.

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