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Avast ye scallywags! Trump be plunderin' and pillagin' while the jury be deliberatin' in the NY trial. Arrr!


Arrr matey, the ex-president, Donald Trump, be sendin' messages on Truth Social, whilst watchin' telly in his chamber as he awaits the final judgement in the mighty battle of NY versus Trump! Aye, what a sight to see!

In the midst of the unprecedented NY v. Trump trial, former President Donald Trump finds himself required to sit in the courthouse during jury deliberations. Despite this, he continues to post on Truth Social and hold press conferences, much to the amusement of his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. The courtroom antics were captured in a TikTok video, showcasing Trump surrounded by papers and snacks, with a TV nearby for entertainment.As the jury deliberates on 34 counts of falsifying business records, Trump remains defiant, proclaiming his innocence and decrying the trial as a waste of taxpayer money. Despite being required to be present in the courthouse, he uses the opportunity to continue posting on Truth Social, expressing his disdain for the legal proceedings.Throughout the trial, Trump maintains his belief that the system is rigged against him, criticizing the judge and prosecutors. Despite the ongoing drama, a verdict could be reached soon, bringing an end to this chapter in the former president's legal woes.It remains to be seen how the trial will ultimately unfold, but one thing is for certain - it has provided plenty of entertainment and fodder for Trump's social media posts.

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