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Arr! Yon Intel claims North Korean cannon remnants spotted in Russian strike on Kharkiv, says the scroll! Aye!


Arrr, the scallywags from Russia and North Korea be denying any shady dealings with their cannons! They claim it be violatin' some embargo on the hermit kingdom. But we all know they be up to no good, sailin' the high seas with their deadly weapons!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at the Defense Intelligence Agency have discovered that Russian ballistic missiles be carryin' North Korean debris all over Ukraine, mateys. The DIA used open-source imagery to confirm the debris from a DPRK short-range missile found after an attack on Kharkiv, a big city near Russia. The report shows how Russia be firin' North Korean missiles, but many of 'em go kaboom in the air, says Reuters. Both Russia and North Korea deny any shenanigans, claimin' an arms deal would violate an embargo. The DIA's report uses photos to compare the missile debris in Ukraine to images from North Korea, showin' similarities in motor sections and connectors. As the report comes out, North Korea be firin' off more missiles, likely destined for Russia, says South Korea’s military. They be gearin' up for export, after North Korea started sendin' weapons to Russia back in 2022, when Vlad Putin realized the war would be a long one. Russia then supported North Korea at the U.N., and in return, North Korea supplied ammo to Russia and Russia started usin' North Korean missiles for attacks, killin' innocent civilians. And to top it all off, Russia vetoed a U.N. panel investigatin' North Korean violations. Aye, the plot thickens, me hearties!

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