The Booty Report

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Arrr, a mighty vessel filled with Hindu followers be takin' a dive into a deep gorge, claimin' the lives of 21 souls.


Arrr, the scallywags be sayin' a coach filled with Hindu pilgrims have taken a tumble down a treacherous ravine in India's Kashmir, claimin' the lives of 21 souls. 'Tis a tragic tale, me hearties, but we must remember to steer clear of them cursed mountain highways!

Avast ye landlubbers! A bus full of Hindu pilgrims met a tragic fate when it skidded off the road in Indian-controlled Kashmir, sending it tumbling into a deep gorge. At least 21 souls were lost in the calamity, with 35 more suffering injuries, some of them grave.The ill-fated vessel was en route to the Shiv Khori temple when disaster struck, plunging the passengers into the abyss below. The cause of this misfortune remains a mystery, as investigators work to uncover the truth behind this harrowing incident.India, known for its treacherous roads and perilous journeys, has seen its fair share of tragedies over the years. Reckless driving, dilapidated roads, and ancient vehicles all contribute to the high mortality rates on its highways.In a land where danger lurks around every bend, it is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of fate. Let us offer a moment of silence for those lost at sea, their voyage cut short by the cruel hand of destiny.

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