The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump's scallywag mates be cryin' foul over his guilty verdict in the Big Apple! Aye, justice be served!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs be tellin' the former captain to cry out for mercy after the jury be findin' him guilty of all 34 crimes. Methinks he be needin' a good plank walkin' for his troubles!

Arrr mateys, them scallywags be tellin' tales of the former president bein' found guilty on all 34 counts! The Republicans be tellin' him to raise the black flag and appeal the verdict. But me thinks it be a lost cause, for the jury be speakin' loud and clear!
They be sayin' to the former president, "Walk the plank and take yer punishment like a true buccaneer!" But the scallywag be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and refusin' to surrender. Aye, he be fightin' like a sea dog in a squall!
But the law be the law, and even the most fearsome pirate must face the consequences of his actions. So blow the man down, ye Republicans, and let justice be served on the high seas of the courtroom!
So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there - beware the wrath of the law, for even the mightiest captain can be brought to his knees by a jury of his peers. Arrr, justice be blind, but it be swift and sure!

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