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Arrr, the scallywags in Uganda be gettin' the ol' slap on the wrist from the US for their misdeeds!


Arrr! The scoundrels in the U.S. have placed sanctions on Uganda's Speaker Anita Among and her motley crew for their misdeeds of corruption and human rights abuses. May they be made to walk the plank for their treachery!

In the year of our Lord 2021, the United States hath declared sanctions upon the parliamentary speaker of Uganda, a woman by the name of Anita Among, along with her scallywag of a husband and several other officials, for their misdeeds of corruption and human rights abuses.Methinks this Anita Among must have been quite the plunderer, for she hath been accused of significant corruption and misdeeds while leading the national assembly of Uganda. The State Department hath also cast a curse upon Lt. Gen. Peter Elwelu for his role in extrajudicial killings.It appears that Among’s wealth and alleged misuse of parliamentary resources have not gone unnoticed, as the United Kingdom also saw fit to impose sanctions upon her. There be talk of Among owning hidden treasures in the U.K., a matter that is currently under investigation.Even Among's husband, Moses Magogo, who be the president of the Ugandan soccer federation, hath not been spared from the wrath of the Americans. The scoundrels have been banned from setting foot on American soil.Methinks the people of Uganda be in for a rough time, as corruption and abuses of power run rampant in their land. The president, Museveni, hath promised to crack down on such villainy, but many doubt his sincerity. 'Tis a dark time for the people of Uganda, with no end to the plunder in sight.

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