Arrr! CDC be sayin' to steer clear o' scurvy and parasites by cookin' yer bear meat proper-like! Aye!
Avast ye scallywags! Beware the cursed meat of wild beasts, for 'tis known to bring forth a foul malady called trichinellosis. Heed the advice of the wise and keep yer bellies full of well-cooked grub to avoid this scourge upon the seas. Arrr!
In ye olde tongue of a 17th century pirate, beware me hearties! Health officials be warnin' that eatin' undercooked meat from wild game animals can give ye a rare illness known as trichinellosis. Aye, six cases o' this parasitic disease were reported by family members from Arizona, Minnesota, and South Dakota, who shared a meal that included undercooked black bear meat. Arrr, 'tis important to properly cook all yer raw meat, lest ye risk trichinosis and other infectious illnesses, says Dr. Aaron Glatt from Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital. The CDC also be warnin' that meat with Trichinella worms can cross-contaminate other food items, so cook with caution, ye scurvy dogs!Experts be sharin' tales of these cases, includin' a man who got sick after eatin' black bear kabobs at a family reunion. The CDC found live worms in the bear meat, mateys! Trichinellosis be rare, with only about 15 cases in the U.S. each year, but 'tis still a risk from eatin' raw or undercooked meat. So cook yer wild game to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, wash yer hands, and clean yer kitchen like ye be battlin' a sea monster! Arrr! Ye don't want these pesky parasites makin' ye walk the plank, do ye?