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Arrr, Biden be favorin' scallywag immigrants o'er our loyal seadogs! We must set things right 'afore sundown! Aye!


Arrr, ye scurvy dog of a president cares not for the brave veterans who fought for our land! Instead, he be favorin' the illegal immigrants over our own kin! 'Tis a treacherous act, by Blackbeard's ghost, I say!

In this day and age, many Americans be witnessin' the crisis happenin' at the border, me hearties. Poll after poll be showin' that illegal immigration not be sittin' well with the people, causin' cities to buckle under the financial pressure and safety concerns. But there be a hidden aspect to this whole mess that not many be talkin' about. Not only be illegal immigration hurtin' millions of Americans, but it be havin' a particular impact on our nation’s veterans, arrr!While them illegal immigrants be gettin' all the attention and resources, the honorable men and women who served our nation be left behind. 'Tis high time for the Biden administration to not only shut the borders, but also start honorin' them veterans who defended our land.Lookin' at the border today, one be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be goin' on with the decisions of the Biden administration. They be lettin' over 10 million illegal aliens slip through the cracks, causin' a mighty ruckus.President Biden be creatin' a crisis by overturnin' key policies and makin' it easy for them scallywags to enter illegally. This be attractin' more trouble, like asylum rule changes that be like a big 'welcome' sign for them undocumented immigrants.It be a sorry state when even the Department of Veterans Affairs be helpin' pay for illegal aliens' treatment while our own veterans be left waitin'. The VA be takin' funds meant for veterans and givin' it to house illegal aliens. 'Tis a shame to see veteran homelessness on the rise durin' this administration.We must first secure the border, fix the immigration system, and address national security concerns to regain control. Then, we can give the veterans the resources they deserve and fulfill promises made to legal residents who served our country. Biden be followin' a troublesome path by pushin' for citizenship for illegal aliens instead of carin' for our veterans.As the CEO of VetComm, I see the neglect towards veterans firsthand. It be time to honor their service and secure our borders, mateys. Arrr!

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